Curriculum Vitae

Updated July 2023. See LinkedIn for a full employment history.


University of Chicago

Assistant Instructional Professor, Committee on International Relations (Sept 2023 – )


Columbia University

Ph.D. in Political Science, 2023
M.Phil. in Political Science, 2019
M.A. in Political Science, 2017

Field Specializations: International Relations, Comparative Politics
Dissertation: “Neither Cogs nor Wrenches: Workers, Unions, and the Political Economy of Automation”

LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin

M.A. in Global Policy Studies, 2013

Specialization: Security, Law, and Diplomacy

Case Western Reserve University

B.A. in Economics and Political Science, summa cum laude, 2011

Majors: Economics (departmental honors), Political Science (departmental honors)
Minor: Spanish

Current Research


International and Comparative Political Economy; Automation; Labor Politics; Technology Policy

Working Papers

  • “Adapt or Resist? Unions and the Political Economy of Automation.”

  • “The Sociopolitics of Automation: a Text Analysis of its Construction and a Novel Conceptualization.”

  • “The Closed Shop: Closed to Women or Closed to Automation?”

Journal Articles

Lincove, Jane A. and Adam Parker. 2016. “The Influence of Conditional Cash Transfers on Eligible Children and Their Siblings.” Education Economics 24(4), 352-373.

Chiapa, Carlos, Silvia Prina, and Adam Parker. 2016). “The Effects of Financial Inclusion on Children's Schooling, and Parental Aspirations and Expectations.” Journal of International Development 28(5), 683‑696.

Policy Papers and Reports

Steer, Liesbet, Fazle Rabbani, and Adam Parker. 2014. “Primary Education Finance for Equity and Quality: An Analysis of Past Success and Future Options in Bangladesh.” Report from The Brookings Institution.

Steer, Liesbet, Hafez Ghanem, and Maysa Jalbout with Adam Parker and Katie Smith. 2014. “Arab Youth: Missing Educational Foundations for a Productive Life?” Report from The Brookings Institution.

Lamb, Robert and Sadika Hameed with Joy Aoun, Kevin Jones, Kathryn Mixon, and Adam Parker. 2013. “US Responses to Potential Transitions.” Report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Honors and Awards

The Andreas C. Dracopoulos Family Summer Fellowship (Columbia, 2019)

Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha of Ohio (CWRU, 2011)

The Outstanding Capstone Project, Class of 2011 (CWRU, 2011)

H.W. Kniesner Prize to the Outstanding Senior in Economics (CWRU, 2011)

Honors in Economics and Political Science (CWRU, 2011)

Marvin J. Barloon Award for Outstanding Performance in Economics (CWRU, 2010)

Trustee’s Scholarship (CWRU, 2008-2011)

Other Teaching and Advising

Columbia University

Undergraduate Adviser (Jan 2020 – Dec 2021)

Graduate Teaching Assistant

  • Governing the Global Economy (Spring 2023)

  • Principles of Quantitative Political Research I (Fall 2022)

  • Introduction to International Relations (Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall 2019, Fall 2021)

  • Politics of International Economic Relations (Spring 2018)

  • Nationalism and Contemporary International Politics (Fall 2017)

Case Western Reserve University

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

  • Intermediate Macroeconomics (Fall 2010, Spring 2011)

Other Research Experience

Columbia University

Graduate RA, Nikhar Gaikwad, Political Science Department (Various, 2018-2020)

Research Assistant, Malgosia Madajewicz, Center for Climate Systems Research (Feb 2017 – Sept 2019)

The Brookings Institution

Research Assistant, Liesbet Steer, Center for Universal Education (Sept 2013 – Nov 2014)

University of Texas at Austin

Graduate RA, Kenneth Flamm, LBJ School of Public Affairs (Jan 2013 – Aug 2013)

Graduate RA, Jane Lincove, Project on Educator Effectiveness and Quality (Sept 2011 – May 2012)

Center for Strategic and International Studies

Research Intern, Robert Lamb, Program on Crisis, Conflict, and Cooperation (May 2012 – Dec 2012)

Case Western Reserve University

Undergraduate RA, Silvia Prina, Economics Department (Jan 2010 – May 2011)



  • APSA Comparative Labor Politics Workshop

  • Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference

  • Consortium on American Political Economy Junior Working Group Workshop


  • Graduate Students in International Political Economy (GSIPE) Workshop

  • Columbia University Political Economy Colloquium

  • Columbia University International Politics Seminar

  • Columbia University Political Science Graduate Student Seminar


  • Columbia ISERP Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Seminar

  • Columbia Graduate Student IPE Workshop

  • Virtual Workshop on the American Political Economy in Comparative Perspective

  • Georgetown GPEP Qualitative Research in PE Graduate Student Workshop


  • Columbia Graduate Student IPE Workshop


  • Columbia Mini-APSA Conference